Monday, July 11, 2011

Hooray for Amanda and Her Alligator

Hooray for Amanda and Her Alligator
by Mo Willems

Much like Elephant and Piggie books the kids liked, it seems like Amanda and Her Alligator collection has tickled them enough to urge me to share it here.

Little girl Amanda has a toy alligator, as the title suggests. And the conversations and interactions between them make up the 6½ stories. It is an early reader chapter book presented like a picture book, making the reading transition easier and fun.

But, as with Willem's other books, it is the pared down simplicity of words and images as well as the active imagination that made this book one of my recent favorite reads for the children.

The continual message of reading is subtly yet notably brought out by the first statement in each story.

Amanda was at her library getting her books for the week.
Amanda was reading her new library book How to Raise a Tiger when her alligator snuck into the room
Amanda was reading her new library book You Can Make It Yourself: jet Packs! when she noticed her alligator chewing on her head.

Boos, surprises, and tickles, how can kids not respond to these universal themes. The heart-warming part for all of us is when Amanda says the sweetest thing when alligator finds out that he was in the Sale bucket at the store because nobody wanted to buy him:
No one wanted to buy you because they knew you were meant to be my best friend.

[image source: Mo Willems Stuff]

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