In India, cold weather is merely a conventional phrase and has come into use through the necessity of having some way to distinguish between weather which will melt a brass door-knob and weather which will only make it mushy.
– Mark Twain

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Gadael Mefus

Picking Strawberry! Gadael Mefus (ga-dayil may-vis), in Welsh.

That's what we did this morning at the Sauvie Island farms, keeping up the traditional seasonal activity calendar: June is for strawberries, July is for blueberries, raspberries and other local berries, August is for cherries, peaches, pears and apples and September/October for corn and pumpkin, typically.

Usually, I make some jam and can them; we also freeze a few gallons for off-season enjoyment; and as for the rest of the berries, we enjoy them as-is, or in salads or in simple desserts.

Ana managed to pick a few pints initially and then decided to munch on the juicy delicious fruits, walk around, sing and play with Oggie, and generally enjoy the fresh open air.

Now, Oggie knows strawberries - he's seen pictures of them in his books, he has seen the few in our garden, and recognizes them even if he cannot say the complex three-syllable word yet.. that's where mefus (may-vis) is helpful, just two syllables and easy to approximate with baby talk...

It turned out to be a perfect day for picking strawberries weather-wise: no rain, no blazing sun, just pleasant and cool, with slight drizzle on and off which is quite refreshing.

The far-off mountains framing the horizon... the lush and verdant fields... the calm and quiet all around... generous fruits of the Earth, Mother Nature's gifts... simple things that keep drawing me back to make this a favorite summertime activity.

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