The easiest thing to find is fault. - Anonymous

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Handmade Alpaca Wool Felted Adult Indoor Booties

Handmade Alpaca Wool Felted Adult Indoor Booties

We waved goodbye to 2016 surrounded by pristine winter beauty, thanks to a well-earned mini vacation.

I got to make a pair of felted alpaca wool booties while on vacation, which was both a relaxing and rewarding enterprise.

Handmade Alpaca Wool Felted Adult Indoor Booties

The wool came from these lovely beauties, my favorite alpacas I know by name.

Handmade Alpaca Wool Felted Adult Indoor Booties

The indoor booties fit perfectly and seem like a well-matched pair. This wasn't a given, considering how easily they could have turned into a size 7 for one foot and a size 12 for the other if I wasn't paying attention to the template.

Handmade Alpaca Wool Felted Adult Indoor Booties

The subdued abstract marbling of strands of dyed merino wool add the rustic charm I was going for. They make a wonderfully warm boot liner for those extra cold days when socks alone won't do. Worn with the cuff turned down, they make a cozy pair of indoor slippers.

Handmade Alpaca Wool Felted Adult Indoor Booties

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