Wisdom has two parts: 1)having a lot to say, and 2)not saying it.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Homemade Hand Warmers and Sugar Scrubs

Homemade Hand Warmers and Sugar Scrubs

It was a fun little project to do last weekend...

Homemade Hand Warmers and Sugar Scrubs

sew a few hand warmers...

Homemade Hand Warmers and Sugar Scrubs

and make some soothing sugar scrub.

There's a growing list of fun little projects to make and sew that I have been pinning. Finding little pockets of time to do them is the challenge. I keep telling myself that when kids are older I will have more time for soul-nourishing pursuits... For now, I am at peace with what I get to do, and how much time I get to spend with my kids.

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