Toot & Puddle by Hollie Hobbie
For Ana's first Christmas back in 2005, Nana got her this really cute book by Holly Hobbie called I'll Be Home For Christmas. This was Ana's first introduction to Toot and Puddle. Plus, her Nana also gave her Toot and Puddle toys.
Thus began the love affair with these two adorable characters, and their friends, and of course, cousin Opal. Opal is now Ana's favorite because Opal happens to be a cute little girl (pig), not much unlike Ana herself in charm and warmth, and naturally, Ana has been hinting not-so-subtly that she'd like Opal toy to play dress-up with :)
It is a charming little tale about how Toot and Puddle each try to make a christmas present for the other, actually craft one rather than buy something from the store, while keeping in mind what the other one likes and enjoys. I like the fact that it emphasizes giving from the heart, something that both can enjoy, respecting each other's interests and likes, and keeping it simple.
Not to be left out, this Christmas 2008, I decided to get her Toot & Puddle to keep up the tradition, but, I couldn't decide on the book title as we've read a few from the library already, so, I decided to trust National Geographic and got her Toot & Puddle's I'll be Home for Christmas DVD.
I don't regret it at all!
It is a well-made DVD with rich colorful animation, plus the story has been filled out compared to the book, with Opal making an appearance (which she didn't in the book I'll be Home for Christmas), and a multicultural treat with Toot's visit to Scotland for his great aunt Peg's 100th birthday, and his traveling adventures on the way back, while Puddle, Tulip and Opal try to get ready for Christmas back home in Woodcock Pocket.
Toot and Puddle are as adorable as ever and come through as they impressed me via the books, the dialogues are well-scripted and the scenery and sequencing is just a gorgeous feast for the eyes.
Plus, there are wonderful songs and a sing-along version too. One of the Christmas songs, in Gaelic, in the DVD was beautiful. Since Ana and I don't really know the words to this Gaelic version and there is a rough translation in the movie, Ana now likes to sing it to Oggie thusly:
Fall asleep, my baby,
Fall asleep,
Fall asleep...
All in all a wonderful short movie that is sure to become a modern Christmas classic in our household.
Labels: books, hollie-hobbie, toot-and-puddle
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