
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Role Reversal

After a bountiful trip to the library, we came home laden with a dozen+ as-yet-unread books that seemed to promise hours of absorbed reading all evening and possibly well into the night.

Of course, I had to visit the in-house ladies' (and gents') room as soon as we got back, and left Oggie with the impossible task of arranging his subset of books in the order in which he wants to read them, while Ana, as is her wont, chose to ignore everything/everyone except the book in hand - which happened to be: The World's Most Famous Ghosts by Daniel Cohen, a hand-me-down from D.

Understandably, after a reasonably short few minutes, Oggie got tired of waiting for me and burst into the ladies' room declaring, "I stacked up the books, Mama, come let's read!" [shut door locked door]

And then realized I was in no position to emerge immediately and so took matters into his own hands: charged out of the room, came back with the Food for Thought by Joost Elffers/Saxton Freyman (which, incidentally, landed the coveted top-of-the-stack spot), parked himself next to me on the step stool and started reading to me by way of encouragement for my task at hand.

And, unlike my mom whose delicate sensibilities would require that she morally constipate herself under these circs., I maintained my relaxed meditative pose and enjoyed an innovative and funny book, knowing such moments can only happen with preschoolers.

Now, even though it leans towards the too-much-information category that I tend to shy away from in my posts, this déjà vu moment with recently-turned-four Og became rather priceless considering how vividly I remember Ana doing the same at about that age, and how our roles have reversed in this context.

And has also served to reiterate a parenting dilemma of accidentally setting a precedent.


  1. Hahah. This has happened to me as well. I often wonder when I will be able to take a 5 min shower without being interrupted and then console myself - not too far there will be days when I will miss being interrupted.
