
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kids Art: Spring Chicks Collage

kids craft spring chicks collage

Feeling the irresistible urge to commemorate Spring Equinox in some way, I wanted to share this simple collage that kids and I made with our favorite textured papers, and a few other readily available materials at home. Arts/Crafts supplies are usually handy at home, all on low shelves for kids to reach and use at will.

What with being hit by a few storms back to back, and little snow flurries even though Spring is around the corner, I was looking to do something to lift our spirits, and this collage just suggested itself one wonderful night. (Boy am I glad I have the "Ideas Book" by the bed to jot down such things.)

Oggie made the background paper using his current favorite technique: Watercolor Plastic Wrap. I restricted the colors to the ones seen in the picture to keep the theme of Spring. Just mixed the 2 colors rather dilute and told him to do one color at a time, blue for the sky and blue+yellow for the grass/ground.

Ana helped with the Pom-Pom Chicks: Simply cut open a fat/large pom-pom so it has a flat side that makes it easier to glue it on the paper; plus gives a fluffy new baby chick look. Add eyes and beak and it is too cute to let go.

I did the eggs just for fun: card stock paper with designs using markers. Used a small piece of accordion-folded paper to 'pop-up' the eggs so it looks like the chicks are just hatching.

We were going to add on some strips of finely shredded tissue paper and yarn and maybe twigs from the garden to make a nest where the chicks are hatching, but, this looked simple and bright enough that we left it there.

I had a spare mat that I used to frame this work - it turned out rather cute according to the kids. I agree :)

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