
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kids Art: Recycled Wrapping Paper Thank You Cards

Recycled Wrapping Paper Brown Paper bag greeting Cards kids craft

This is a fun and unique set of greeting cards we like to make at home after Birthday parties and Christmas and such where kids get gifts wrapped in wonderful wrapping paper.

Recently, we made this set of Thank You cards right after Og's birthday to write a personal note of thanks for all his friends who were able to come and celebrate his big day.

Items Used: Wrapping paper from the presents Og received, white glue (diluted), card stock paper, brown paper bag, scissors, glue stick, old flat paint brush, decorative edge scissors (optional)

Recycled Wrapping Paper Brown Paper bag greeting Cards kids craft
  1. Rip the wrapping paper pieces into smaller bits and keep handy in a basket/tray/container; this is the part Oggie enjoyed; some bits might not be as usable as others, in which case we use it for hand-made paper later, so, some sorting might be needed before step 3 below
  2. Dilute the white glue with water - I just eyeball it - it should be thin enough to paint it on but not too thin that it soaks the paper and makes it buckle right away
  3. On a card stock paper, generously "paint on" the diluted white glue, and before it dries, have the kids paste on the bits of colorful wrapping paper that was ripped and ready to go, till the whole cardstock paper is covered; allow to dry
  4. Make cards out of  brown paper bag - simply cut the required size from brown paper bag, use decorative edge scissors to make it a bit more appealing
  5. Cut out the dry cardstock paper (that was glued with colorful wrapping paper) into smaller shapes to fit on the brown paper card front - we went with simple rectangles; glue on with glue stick (Oggie works better with glue stick than white glue)
Recycled Wrapping Paper Brown Paper bag greeting Cards kids craft

There you have it! A unique set of cards which will let the recipients of these Thank You note cards know how much we appreciate their thoughtfulness.

Of course, we do this with bits of tissue paper as well, and any other nice and colorful paper, and bits of hole-punched papers we didn't have the heart to throw away... 

Recycled Wrapping Paper Brown Paper bag greeting Cards kids craft