Monday, August 31, 2009

Fattened and sweetened...

by this little break from our routine, this magical trip to India, my inertia seems to have mounted a calculated attack...

Watching Ana and Og run around the backyard like never before -

plucking handfuls of weed and strewing it about in the overgrown grass,
jostling each other to get dripping-wet in the sprinkler,
biting fallen plush plums and perfect pears with pure relish,
planting the stone pits carefully along the fence for more plums next year,
digging for worms, spying for spider webs, and chasing butterflies,
squealing and laughing merrily with no worrisome cares of this world

homecoming kids backyardmy heart yearns to stay frozen in this moment.

Schools can wait.
Jobs can wait.
Laundry, dishes, trash and recycling can wait.

Reality can wait.

Let me please drink in this moment,
in slow delicious sips,
and linger for as long as the Universe would let me...

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