
Saturday, June 07, 2014

Kids Craft: Felted Wool Indoor Slippers

wet felted wool slippers

Wet felting is an art as is needle-felting. Bunches of carded wool can either be spun into yarn, or used as-is for felting. Certain types of wool work well for wet felting and others don't.

On and off the older child has done some needle felted fairy dolls and other little things with me. Although she is not obsessed with it or chooses to do it all the time, I am glad for the times she has done it so far.

When the 8 year old was visiting her Nana, she met with a friend who showed her how to felt wool into cozy comfy slippers. A bunch of wool and hot soapy water come together to make gorgeous footwear.

This is the best gift I've received this year so far: hand-made and perfectly useful - my favorite any time!

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