
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

A Book of Positive Affirmations

While I do appreciate the power of optimism and positivity, I am skeptical about any philosophy that supports permanent state of unbridled exuberance as the ideal. It doesn't seem natural.

Anyway, with practice, over time, I've gotten so good at highlighting my shortcomings that I've come to ignore and even dismiss the little things that affirm my faith in myself as a good human being. And, this can be contagious.

Which prompted me to list the little things I notice in myself and the things I value in my kids... which led to making a book of positive affirmations, self-affirmations if you will, with the older child.

Items Used: Dover™ Fine Art Stickers, black card stock paper, decorative edge scissors, paper cutter (or scissors), glue stick, printed messages, hole punch, binder ring, laminator (optional)

The 7 yo contributed a few and I added a few, and before we knew it we had about two dozen positive affirmations that recognize, acknowledge, declare what she values in herself, or what I value in her and want to cultivate in her as she grows.

Being so inclined, she put some thought into choosing the art sticker to go with the words, although I think it is this fascination with the nudes that drove her choice...

Lamination was not in the initial plan, but the girl wanted it. I like it now that it is done - it preserves the work and helps flip through the pages without much frustration or worry about friction and wear and tear.

We hope to add to this book as and when we think of something, of course, but for now, it seems a nice little book she can carry with her anywhere and flip a page at random and enjoy the art and the words. The book is two-sided so can read it backwards and forwards, and the art stickers have the name of the artist and the piece which adds to the book's appeal.


  1. LOVELY!

    And she's been playing the cello?!

  2. Thanks, Choxie, and no, she has not been playing the cello - she has been thinking about cello after I showed her your N's recital...

  3. Wow this is indeed inspiring! I'd love to do that also especially that I have many collections of inspirational stickers. This will really help anyone to become more optimistic towards the outlook of their lives.
