
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kids Art: Bubble Print

I remember introducing Bubble Printing to Ana when she was a pre-schooler. And since then we've done it quite a few times and Og has watched or participated.

But, one weekend morning, when we were done with our Walk Around The Block, I was looking for something to keep Oggie engaged while I attend to things that needed attending.

Since it kept him excited and  happy for a good part of the morning I wanted to dedicate a post to this awesome activity again.

Assembling the items needed is a big part of the project and possibly the first step. I make a list of things needed and he gathers them on the work table.

Items Used: Tempera paints (Red, Blue, White, Yellow), dish soap, water, straw, stirrer/whisk, container, card stock paper, butcher paper, a pan to hold the spills, towel

Color mixing: I squirted the colors Oggie wanted in each container - not more than 2 colors to keep it from getting muddy. Plus a squirt of dish soap. Stir, stir stir.

Punch a tiny hole in the straw at the blowing end to prevent sucking in the paint to the mouth. Pick up the straw and blow bubbles.

Make a print by placing the paper on top of the bubbles and lifting it up as the bubbles settle back down.

Squeals of , "Look, Mama! It looks like the Antartic!", "This one looks like ice is cracking up!" punctuated the bubble-blowing and stirring as I made the prints and laid them out for drying.

And after an hour or so of dedicated bubble blowing the activity took a life of its own when the colors got poured into another container, and mopped up with hands and drizzled on paper and self...

As usual, I saved the best prints to use as cards and tags for special occasions.

The others are saved in our Textured Papers collection to make collages.

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