
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Falls Creek Falls

"What would you like to do on Mother's Day, Mama?" queried the 7 year old a week before the celebration.

As my mind rattled off the traditional mundane things like, have a nice warm breakfast made for me by someone else, take a long and uninterrupted bath, sip a cup of tea with my current book in hand enjoying the backyard bird songs while sprawled out on the grass... I heard myself say out loud, "A hike would be nice", adding quietly, "to a place we've not been to before, and is not a long drive, and a picnic lunch packed to go, with me taking my time to stop and photograph whatever catches my fancy rather than hiking up and down business-like as if in a hurry..."

Mother's Day mid-morning found us geared-up and heading out to explore Falls Creek Falls, WA. The thundering falls pouring into the pool was quite a sight (and sound).

The trail had quite a bit of elevation, and after the suspension bridge it got quite tricky with tree roots. Ana managed it fine, but Oggie needed a ride on Papa's shoulders for about one-third of the way, on and off, especially where the path got rather narrow and steep.

Along the creekside trail there were paths to get to the flowing water which was still icy cold and stays that way throughout summer.

Thanks to the time difference, I was glad to be able to call my mom the previous night and have a usual chat. It was nice to hear her reassuring words that none of the little minutiae matter in the long run, and that the bonds and affection is all in the mind (and the heart), and as long as the hearts and minds feel together, no physical distance matters.

I hope as she grows older Ana will feel the same connection with me that I feel with my mom - to be able to talk briefly long-distance and hang up the phone knowing how much she is cherished.


  1. Could sense the quiet contentment in your words. Happy mothers' day!

  2. That last line kinda sums it up perfectly! Glad you had a good mothers' day! :)

  3. @Sandhya:: Thank you. Soggy weather being the norm in these parts, I was glad it was a dry sunny day, and we were able to go - there's many a slip ... as the saying goes and there have been many such hiking plans thwarted... c'est la vie, I suppose :)

    @Reva:: Hope yours was good as well - and if you haven't seen already, you are one of the wonderful people that inspired my previous post :)
