
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Rose Festival Junior Parade 2010

Rose Festival Junior Parade 2010

Unlike last year, when Ana was a bit clueless, this year she couldn't wait for the Rose Festival Junior Parade. She was looking forward to it so much that I was desperately hoping for the weather to co-operate.

It was a stormy day with brief sun breaks. In fact, right when the kids were slated to assemble at the starting point, it poured and poured. Thankfully, the collective appeal must've reached the sky, for, a dry spell prevailed for the duration of the walk.

Ana's school got acknowledged/awarded for having the most bikes and scooters in the parade, or something like that. She walked around beating her little lollipop drum, face painted, wearing the "fairy skirt" I had made for her.

Much like last year, Ana's school supported and encouraged participation in the Rose Festival Junior Parade. The effort and enthusiasm of the fellow parents jolted me out of my inertia, and Ana's excitement helped me get into the spirit of things. I am not sure we'll make this a tradition but, as long as she wants to participate, it is only fair that we help her be in the parade rather than let the parade pass by.


  1. What an exciting day for Ana. I had a look at the link and the skirt turned out beautifully. I think it's amazing that you sew from your own ideas.

  2. wow! she looks absolutely adorable!
