
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Play After Play

Thanks to the Calendar Fundraiser this year, Ana's school was able to bring an awesome theater event for the kids: Play After Play!

Melanya and Marc, the duo who make up Play After Play, have incredible bios. And from what I have gathered, they held the group of 60 kids spellbound with their unique style of storytelling that incorporates music and movement and interaction. And the folktale they shared was from Patagonia. Reminded me of Eth-Noh-Tec performance Ana and I enjoyed a while back.

In the play session after the Play, kids are invited to tumble and roll and "play like animals", but with safety and kindness, led by the duo with poise and grace.

For parents like me (and D), this is extremely fortuitous: with today's demands on life, such experiences for the kids take a back-seat while we go about meeting the Food-Clothing-Shelter needs.

As for Ana, she couldn't stop talking about it on our drive back from school - not so much the exact details, but, when every other word in her sentences turned out to be some synonym of "fun", I knew it must've been a good experience and has made a lasting impression.

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