
Friday, March 02, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dr.Seuss!

For the last few years, since kids arrived in our midst, Dr.Seuss has become a wonderful part of our family, much like he has become an honorary member of many families across the world.

A couple of years ago, I had asked my fellow contributors at Saffron Tree to share their favorite Dr.Seuss and it was a blast exchanging our best-loved books.

And, last year, I couldn't let the day go by without paying a simple tribute to Dr. Seuss who has given hours of joy to my kids and me.

One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss has been a consistent favorite with Oggie for the past couple of years, always choosing it as stand-by bed-time read from our bookshelf if the new set of books from the library didn't resonate as much.

In fact, I know it made such an impact when one fine morning Og wanted to make a book One Cat, Two Cats.

"I like the 'new fish', mama, he is such a cute baby", Ana states, while Oggie declares, "I like ALL the fish, mama", and adds, "I also like the mouse that cut the wire." As an afterthought, Ana mentions, "I wish I had the pet with blue hair that I can brush and comb".

I Wish That I Had Duck Feet is another favorite with both the kids, often sought from our bookshelf, inspiring them to come up with a few fun additions of their own, exercising their rhyming skills and of course also attempting made-up words.

I wish that I had yellow nose and I will tell you why
I'll think it is a banana and eat it up and cry.

Ana shares, "I like the part when he is in a cage with a lion", when Oggie interjects with, "that's when he is a which-what-who, mama, remember?"

McElligot's Pool, a classic Dr.Seuss, always drops me into the summer time calm of fishing and relaxing (even though I don't have summer breaks, or fish, or manage to relax), showing the promise of optimism.

Oggie simply loves the pictures in this book, all the different kinds of fish, and especially the one with the checkerboard belly.

Ana likes the eel with a head on each end; all of the book actually, although she cannot pinpoint what about it she likes the best yet.

With your wonderful meter and rhyme, those wacky made-up words, the silly creatures, and the beautiful messages in some of our favorites like The Lorax and The Sneetches, you have enriched our lives and inspired us to be more creative and enjoy the process. You are much-loved, Dr, Seuss!For that we are eternally grateful!

[image source(s):,]

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