
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Man In The Moon

The Man in the Moon
by William Joyce

Robots movie, a present the kids got from an aunt a couple of years ago, became a favorite. And, Toy Story (the first) was a favorite of mine when it came out even thought the kids didn't take to it at all. What does it have to do with this book? William Joyce, of course.

Graeme Base and other brilliant artist-authors that I've read about apparently create the art work and story primarily to satisfy their creativity rather than worrying about satisfying the criteria for 'Children's Books', whatever they may be. William Joyce's The Man in the Moon is a visual feast with a fantastic story to tell.

I picked up this first book in the Guardians of Childhood series from the library for myself, not with the intention of reading it to the kids. But, as Ana flipped through the pages with me, she got interested and wanted to read it. I was rather reluctant at first mainly due to Pitch, the Nightmare King, and the tragic events at the beginning.

I ran it by D who felt she was more than ready to handle the story, for that is what it is after all, a  fantasy. A well-imagined and well-presented tale, but, a tale nonetheless about the MiM - the Man in the Moon. How did he come about? What does he do? Why do various cultures reference him and point him out to their children?

And, I was fretting for nothing, as it turned out. After all, she did not seem much worried about it when we read Stellaluna a couple of years ago. She took the story in her stride. Asked just one question: what happened to Nightlight? She liked Nightlight and wanted him around till the end, but alas. The story is sweet and heart-warming in parts despite the disturbing events at the beginning.

Apparently there is going to be a movie of this book.

[Book Excerpt at William Joyce website]

[image source:]

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