
Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Little Penguin

The Little Penguin
by Ana

While the author is not new to us, having read many of her works (about two dozen to date, over the last year), Og was pleasantly surprised when the book was "released" on Christmas Day, when he eagerly opened one of his presents from under the tree.

In this special Christmas publication (well, sole manuscript) made for (and presented to) her brother, the author shares a simple story of a little penguin.

The spare text and colorful illustrations makes this a favorite bed-time read in our family. Some of the words may not be appreciated by adults with a strong sense of propriety, but, as a parent and a reader, I did not find them objectionable at all as we are quite open about human bodily functions and human body parts.

I particularly liked the "New Next: Penguins Love", and the "Sneak Peek" sections. Reading "About the Author" made me want to know more about her.

While some of the author's early works were too short and failed to stay on topic, they were indeed delightful  fantasies. Her recent works seem to tend towards realistic fiction and even some non-fiction.

With the author's permission, here are quite a few pages from the book, as we own the sole copy of it. (Click to enlarge)

 It almost seems like art work is the focus in her recent books, with the text supplementing and complementing the art, which involves mixed-media, fabric, cut-paper, feathers and such embellishments.


  1. This is so terrific Sheela ! Love the idea of her cute little books with text and illustrations. Tell Ana we look forward to more of her books :-)

  2. Thank you, Ranjani! I'll let Ana know, she'll be beaming.

    Btw, Og has started "making books", copying Ana - I am the scribe and the art-maker for him (as he is still working on his 3-finger pencil grip and is not able to write/illustrate well yet) but the words and illustration ideas are entirely his. The coherence of thoughts/story, the stubborn adherence to his words and refusal to accept my "edits", and the specificity of the illustrations sometimes blow me away... but I enjoy working with him :)

  3. :)) loved mamma's review for the tongue-n-cheek quality of humor! Like Mom, like daughter...Tell Ana, my girls can't wait to lay hands on one of her creations! :)

    Og's work sounds equally delightful! Stubborn ye?hmm... :)

    Here, S recently created a very sparse-o-sparse title. All I recall is one purple looking book. Its title, I am totally blanking on. I must admit I am mighty impressed with her handwriting. S is just getting into "creating" stuff these days. And I am quite thrilled. And she seems to be showing a lot of interest in Math too. Today, to our surprise, she comes home and tells us she knows how to "divide". Yes, 6 divided by 2 equals 3. She explained coherently how that worked using a chocolate example. And many such problems using different one digit numbers. I was a little blown away by her step-by-step explanation...the straight and simple matter-of-fact teaching methods seem to be working well, so far. And thankfully, both the girls have been blessed with the Math gene, if I can say so myself! :)

